MVI will assist the Owner / Client in selecting the ideal right-of-way that is the least disruptive to the current land-owner and the most cost efficient.
Based on the right-of-way and the needs of the Owner /Client, MVI will design the power line utilizing wood structures, steel, fiberglass, concrete and composite materials.
Following Owner / Client approval on the power line design, a construction schedule will be created. The construction phase includes staking the power line locations, altering the terrain to create easy-access, setting and anchoring the poles, stringing the wire and reclaiming.
Following project completion, it is important to leave the job-site disturbed as little as possible. Per the agreement with the land owner, MVI will reclaim the land to equal or better condition than before construction began.
MVI is capable of designing and constructing your power line. This is a multidisciplinary endeavor requiring as much mechanical engineering as it does electrical engineering, therefore we employ a Professional Engineer with a mechanical and electrical engineering degree. Numerical solutions are calculated through the use of the generally accepted PLS-CADD program. Projects are designed to conform to the requirements for the National Electrical Code (NEC) and National Electrical Safety Code (NESC).
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